Prof. Xiaolong Xu

Prof. Xiaolong Xu


Prof. Xiaolong Xu

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

IEEE Senior Member

Brief Introduction

Dr. Xiaolong Xu ( IEEE Senior Member) is currently a full professor at the school of software, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China. He worked as a researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University (2017-2018). He studied his PhD degree (2013~2016) in the State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology at Nanjing University. His research interest includes Cloud Computing, Big Data, Edge Computing, Deep Learning, and Federated Edge Learning. He has published over 100 peer-review papers in international journals and conferences, including IEEE TPDS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TSC, ACM TOSN, IEEE TITS, IEEE TII, ACM TOIT, ACM TOMM, ACM TIST, IEEE TVT, IEEE IOT, IEEE TCC, IEEE TBD, IEEE TCSS, IEEE TETCI, Software: Practice and Experience, World Wide Web journal, Information Sciences, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Future Generation Computer Systems, ACM SIGIR, IJCAI, IEEE ICWS, ICSOC, etc. He was selected as the Highly Cited Researcher of Clarivate 2021 and 2022. He received the Best Paper Award from Journal of Network and Computer Applications at 2022, the Editor's Choice Paper Award from Future Generation Computer Systems at 2022, the Best Paper Awards from IEEE ISPA 2022, IEEE ATC 2022, IEEE iThings 2022, IEEE CPSCom 2020, SPDE 2020, IEEE CyberSciTech 2021, CENET 2021, IEEE CBD 2016, and EAI Cloudcomp 2021, and the Outstanding Paper Award from IEEE SmartCity 2022 and EAI Cloudcomp 2019 , the best student paper award from EAI Cloudcomp 2019, and the Best Session Paper from IEEE DSAA 2020. He also received the Outstanding Leadership Award from IEEE UIC 2022.

Speech Title:TBD
