Prof. Zhe Wang

Prof. Zhe Wang


Prof. Zhe Wang

East China University of Science and Technology, China

Brief Introduction

Professor, doctoral supervisor, currently director of the Information Office of East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Shuguang Scholar, winner of the National Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Nomination Award; serving as executive director of the Shanghai Computer Society and member of the Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition Committee of the China Computer Society etc., serving as editorial board members of several international journals and program committee members of international and domestic academic conferences. During his study and work period, he went to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Fudan University, and Georgia Institute of Technology for visiting study. He has been teaching at East China University of Science and Technology since September 2008. His research direction is artificial intelligence and machine learning. He has published 72 high-level academic papers in this research direction so far, including being the first author or corresponding author in "IEEE Trans. PAMI" ", "IEEE Trans. NNLS", "IEEE Trans. Cybernetics", "Pattern Recognition" and other international SCI source journals have published 55 academic papers. As the person in charge, he has presided over three projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Municipal Education.

Speech Title:TBD
